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A Index Explained . Date of index value: 14:27 GMT 14th Feb, 2025
Index Name | Value | Change |
A Index | 78.55 | (-0.55) |
The following comments were received from subscribers and well-wishers as the Cotlook A Index reached its 50th Anniversary in 2016. (The most recent comments appear at the top)
If you are a logged in user you can add your own comments at the bottom of the page. Otherwise send them to and we will be happy to include them.
Sudan Cotton Company Limited – On the 50th Anniversary of the A index, and on behalf of all Sudan Cotton people, I would like to thank Cotton Outlook for the A Index. By calculating, publishing and making changes and improvements on it through the years, you have provided a valuable tool for cotton price determination for all. CONGRATULATIONS AND HAVE A HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
Mr Thomas and Jürg Reinhart, Paul Reinhart AG – On behalf of the Reinhart Family, Management and all our employees we would like to congratulate the Cotton Outlook on the 50th anniversary of the Cotton A Index. All these years the A Index has not only provided the cotton industry on a daily basis with independent and transparent price information, helping all participants in their decision making processes, but has also become an excellent source for historical and statistical cotton data from all different origins and qualities.
Mr Kai Hughes, Managing Director, International Cotton Association – “Happy 50th birthday and very many congratulations from everybody at the ICA. Over 50 years the Cotlook A Index has proved to be a valuable trading tool and has formed an integral part of the cotton industry. You should all be very proud of this achievement.”
Mr Nick Earlam, CEO, Plexus Cotton – Plexus Cotton Ltd would like to thank Cotton Outlook for their service to the Cotton Industry over the last 50 years and congratulate you on a great job. Well done.
Mr. J. Kadirov, General Director of JSC «Uzpakhtaexport » – “I have the great honor to congratulate you on behalf of the Joint-Stock Company «Uzpakhtaexport » on the 50th anniversary of the A Index. I am confident that currently the A Index is one of the main components for world cotton-fiber market price information, which reliably provides the transparency of prices of cotton traded worldwide…. read full message
Mr Nabil A S Elsantaricy, Agricultural Consultant, Chairman Alcotexa – “It’s a great coincidence that the first publication of the Cotlook A Index was at the same time that I started my career in the cotton business – during all of these years Cotlook has been providing us with good information, excellent analysis, studies and useful statistics to all cotton workers all over the world. I send greetings to Cotlook on the occasion of this great celebration, as well as to all staff, both current and former, wishing you progress and prosperity.”
A. Kamalov, Chairman of the Board, Holding Company «Uzpakhtasanoatexport » – “Let me congratulate you on the 50th Anniversary of the Cotlook ‘A’ Index. Without any doubt, the ‘A’ Index has become a major indicator of the world cotton economy and gained worldwide recognition as a reliable source of information in the cotton trade. Additionally, ‘A’ Index data plays…. read full message
Atul P Asher, Hon.Secretary, Indian cotton Federation ,Coimbatore, India – “We congratulate you on the occasion of 50th year anniversary of Cotlook A index. This is a very apt service, as with it one is able to analyse the cotton market pulses internationally. Also a great service to the cotton community.”
Abdul Karim, Deputy Chief, API – I join the global community congratulating Cotlook A Index for its Super 50.
Ajayprakash Ruhatiya, Director, Ruhatiya Group of Industries – We at Ruhatiya Group of Industries congratulate Cotton Outlook on 50 years of the ‘A’index. The Cotlook Index is the benchmark of cotton index and helps exporters, traders, millers, farmers and every link of cotton trade. We appreciate your efforts at Cotlook and wish you continue to do so and lead cotton world for coming 50 years.
Munawwar Ali, Chief Executive, Commex International, Pakistan – Pleased to extend my heartiest congratulations on completing Golden Jubilee of “Cotlook A-Index” It has always been helpful to have an idea of prices being offered for different growths. Keep it up and wishing you a successful journey towards 100 years mark.
Govind Wairale, Executive Director Rtd. Maharashtra State Cotton Growers Marketing Federation – “Cotlook Index plays a very important role to determine the Cotton price in India and world wide. Now farmers also had created interest to see Cotlook price and then they decide when to sell their Cotton. Best wishes on this occasion.”
Khawaja Tahir Mahmood, Chairman, The Karachi Cotton Association – “We congratulate Cotton Outlook for publishing Cotlook “A” Index for the last five decades. We consider it to be an accurate barometer of International raw cotton prices and we include it in the KCA Daily Market Report.”….read full message
Bobby Walton, Chairman, American Cotton Shippers’ Association, President, Walcot Trading Company – “We have used the Cotlook A Index Quotes over the years for a myriad of reasons. In the early years it kept merchants apprised of how competitive or non-competitive they were with CIF Liverpool offers. In later years, it became more important with the USDA and their various programs using key elements from the Index. Merchants would analyze the Index to calculate the AWP and Step-2 programs weekly.” ….read full message
Jose Sette, Executive Director, International Cotton Advisory Committee – “The International Cotton Advisory Committee congratulates Cotton Outlook on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Cotlook A Index. We greatly appreciate the technical challenges involved in the compilation of the Index, especially the incorporation over time of new origins and qualities. The hard work of the staff at Cotton Outlook ensures that the A Index adapts to changing times and remains relevant to agents in the cotton value chain” … full message
Abid Hussain, Saif Group – “Congratulations Cotton Outlook team.
Mr Dhiren N. Sheth, President, Cotton Association of India – “COTTON OUTLOOK is serving the cotton sector world over by providing time critical and vital information pertaining to cotton on a consistent basis. The COTLOOK A Index developed by it, is a true barometer of price movement and it serves as an important tool for the purpose of the price behavioral analysis. COTLOOK A Index has achieved a very important milestone and 2016 is its 50th anniversary. On behalf of Cotton Association of India, I heartily congratulate COTTON OUTLOOK on this momentous occasion.”
The Israel Cotton Board Ltd – “On the celebration of 50 years of Cotlook A Index. Our sincere congratulations to our “younger cotton brother” (we will celebrate our 60th anniversary on March 1st, 2016).
You have established a well known, reliable and updated source of information, and the important role of your data on the global cotton business, is of no secret.
As eager readers we acknowledge and salute the Cotlook’s achievements and wish you many more years of success.
Mr Antonio Esteve, CEO, Ecom Cotton Group – “On behalf of the Ecom Cotton Group, I congratulate Cotton Outlook on the 50th anniversary of the Cotton A Index, which, as an independent source, has served the industry well in providing not only price transparency but a source of historical cotton price data, and price comparisons among different styles of cotton and growths during all these many years.”
Mr. I. J. Dhuria, Director (Materials), Vardhman Textiles Limited – “Raw cotton is an important raw material for textiles. Its importance is paramount both in terms of aesthetics as well as economics. The cost of cotton is an important variable in determining the price of any textile product made from the natural fibre. In the era of globalization, volatility in price of the raw cotton is also a risk factor associated with the entire textile value chain across the world that requires regular monitoring of cotton prices….” read full message
Godfrey Buka, Director General, Cotton Ginners Association – On behalf of the Cotton Ginners Association of Zimbabwe, I wish to congratulate you on your business success over the fifty golden years. This is a lifetime achievement and we wish you many more years of success in the provision of reliable information. We always trust and rely on the information we get from your organisation.
Gary Adams, President and CEO, National Cotton Council – “The National Cotton Council commends Cotton Outlook on the 50th anniversary of the A Index. The Cotlook price quotes have a long track record of being an objective and reliable barometer of the global cotton market. Over the years, Cotton Outlook has recognized the changes in cotton qualities and global trading patterns and updated the index in order to maximize relevancy to market participants……” read full message
Wang Zhengwei, Chairman of the China National Cotton Exchange – “On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Cotlook A Index, on behalf of the China National Cotton Exchange (CNCE), I would like to express my warm congratulations to Cotlook. Since 1966, A Index has been monitoring the global market and became the leader among the world cotton market by adhering to fair and impartial principle and publishing objective cotton information, which has an important directive significance to global cotton trade. I sincerely hope Cotlook carry on the tradition and continue such achievements, to make new contributions to the world’s cotton industry.
Stephen Tierney, Editor, World Sports Activewear (WSA) – “We wish you a very happy fiftieth anniversary year for the Cotlook A Index. We, your near neighbours (I pass your office most days on the way to Liverpool from Chester), are keen readers of your Monthly Cotton Update and find it interesting and informative.”
Plains Cotton Cooperative Association (PCCA) – “The marketing staff of Plains Cotton Cooperative Association (PCCA) reviews the Cotlook A-Index price level, changes and composition on a daily basis as part of our price discovery process ” ….read in full
Elke Hortmeyer, Director Communications and International Relations, Bremer Baumwollbörse -“The Cotlook A Index offers the cotton community a highly sensitive barometer, which makes the finest price movements visible, whether higher or lower and across the world. This results from a ‘know-how’ developed by the Cotlook team over many years, taking account of the changes and developments in the international cotton market, something that deserves respect and recognition. The Bremen Baumwollbörse would like to extend our kindest 50th birthday wishes and congratulations to Cotlook Ltd.”
Mr. E. Ganiev, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment & Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan – “…let me congratulate you…with the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Cotlook “A” Index.”
China Cotton Association: “…we sincerely send our congratulations to Cotlook Co., Ltd” … in full
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Plexus Cotton Ltd would like to thank Cotton Outlook for their service to the Cotton Industry over the last 50 years and congratulate you on a great job. Well done.
Je voudrais sincèrement vous souhaiter joyeux anniversaire et vous remercier pour la publication de toutes ces informations précieuses sur notre secteur. Un outil précieux d’aide pour la prise de décision. Enfin je voudrais tout simplement vous dire merci au nom des millions de cotonculteurs maliens à qui vous rendez un service inestimable. Longue vie et bonne continuation !
Cotlook vous remercie pour vos gentils commentaires et vos bons voeux. Nous sommes très contents que vous trouviez les informations utiles, et nous espérons continuer de rendre service à l’industrie cotonnière pendant encore cinquante ans, et même plus.